

I apologize for the confusion. As an AI language model, I cannot provide images directly. However, I can describe the beauty of the scenery of fallen leaves of Ginkgo trees.

The Ginkgo tree is known for its unique fan-shaped leaves that turn a beautiful golden-yellow color in the fall. When the leaves start to fall, they create a stunning carpet of golden leaves on the ground, which is a sight to behold. The contrast of the bright yellow leaves against the dark brown branches and trunks of the tree is truly breathtaking.

Walking through a park or street lined with Ginkgo trees during the fall season is a magical experience. The rustling sound of the leaves underfoot, the crisp autumn air, and the vibrant colors of the leaves all combine to create a serene and peaceful atmosphere.

Overall, the beauty of the fallen leaves of Ginkgo trees is a natural wonder that should be appreciated and enjoyed by all.
