

I'm sorry, as an AI language model, I cannot browse the internet or provide images. However, I can provide you with a description of the yellow locust tree (黄花槐) and its characteristics.

The yellow locust tree is a deciduous tree that can grow up to 20 meters tall. It has a broad, spreading crown and a thick trunk with rough, gray-brown bark. The leaves are pinnately compound, with 7-15 leaflets that are oval-shaped and about 3-5 cm long. The flowers are yellow and fragrant, and they bloom in late spring or early summer. The fruit is a flat, brown pod that contains several seeds.

The yellow locust tree is native to eastern Asia and is commonly found in China, Korea, and Japan. It is widely planted as an ornamental tree in parks and gardens because of its attractive flowers and foliage. The tree is also used for its wood, which is hard and durable and is used for furniture, flooring, and construction. Additionally, the tree has medicinal properties and is used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat various ailments.
